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User Since
Feb 2 2020, 6:02 PM (233 w, 5 d)

Recent Activity

Sep 20 2020

badosu added a comment to D2950: [gameplay] keep population for houses.

Given we won't have the building time bonus as per, what is the justification for removing from britons?

Sep 20 2020, 11:18 AM
badosu added a comment to D2972: [gameplay] Increase hack damage of pikemen.

Anything that increases the role of melee is a plus for me. My comments:

Sep 20 2020, 11:07 AM

Aug 24 2020

badosu added a comment to D2815: [gameplay] give all civs rams.


The "two guys and a ram" does not exist (yet), and would require new art (actors, animations, icons) to be created, therefore it's not an option right now. This patch uses existing art and is therefore an option for right now.
The question to be asked is whether or not it is an improvement over the status quo.

Aug 24 2020, 7:09 PM
badosu added a comment to D2815: [gameplay] give all civs rams.

From a gameplay perspective it makes sense that all civilizations should have a ram equivalent. In this sense this patch is an improvement.

Aug 24 2020, 12:46 PM

Aug 19 2020

badosu added a comment to D1746: Network Dialog / Troll removal device.

This looks great! Is it possible to also show when a player is having issues with turn calculation? This is important for late game when some players computer can't handle the processing, it would show who's having trouble which would otherwise be hidden.

Aug 19 2020, 10:32 AM

Aug 15 2020

badosu added a comment to D2951: [gameplay] merge wonder population auras.

I don't understand why this is an absolute number instead of a fraction of the max pop cap, e.g. 25% (for 200 pop baseline) or 16.6% (for 300 pop baseline)

Aug 15 2020, 10:49 AM

Aug 11 2020

badosu added a comment to D2841: [gameplay] split Celtic civ bonuses.

So maybe a population bonus with the CC could be justified but that's quite a huge bonus at the start.

Aug 11 2020, 8:17 PM
badosu added a comment to D2760: [gameplay] add visible garrison points to gates.

I'm not sure there are any balancing considerations at this point since stone walls are severely under used at the moment. Looks like a good improvement though.

Aug 11 2020, 8:13 PM

Aug 8 2020

badosu accepted D2916: [gameplay] balance economy techs.

I also very much appreciate the 15%->25% changes, makes the early game decision whether to boom or rush much more relevant.

Aug 8 2020, 4:21 PM
badosu accepted D2899: [gameplay] improve melee units.
Aug 8 2020, 4:20 PM
badosu added a comment to D2493: [gameplay] make siege engines uncapturable.

I think this is a step in a good direction, as far as I like the ability to capture siege, making the behavior consistent is more important.

Aug 8 2020, 4:13 PM

Aug 7 2020

badosu added a comment to D2933: [gameplay] tweak outpost and remove techs.

Apart from health/loyalty regeneration I don't think outposts are too much broken.

Aug 7 2020, 9:32 PM
badosu added a comment to D2916: [gameplay] balance economy techs.

@badosu opnion?

Aug 7 2020, 9:28 PM
badosu added a comment to D2710: DiskPlacer: avoid scanning whole map.

Thanks, I appreciate

Aug 7 2020, 9:13 PM

Aug 5 2020

badosu added a comment to D2899: [gameplay] improve melee units.

I agree with previous comments about not actually solving the issue, however given melee units are just meat shield for most part and will be for the foreseeable future a player relying mostly on ranged units can snowball out of control after a few good engagements, this patch helps with that a bit.

Aug 5 2020, 10:57 PM
badosu added a comment to D2939: [gameplay] delete armor_hero_01 technology.

Just remember to bring back this tech if we ever reduce the heroes health as seems to be probably happening.

Aug 5 2020, 10:39 PM
badosu added a comment to D2710: DiskPlacer: avoid scanning whole map.

Are there any blockers for this patch? cc @Stan Is there any reviewer I should tag here?

Aug 5 2020, 10:38 PM

Aug 2 2020

badosu accepted D2911: Allow women citizen to lay the same foundations as citizen soldiers..

Thanks for this patch, this is a really annoying issue indeed!

Aug 2 2020, 2:39 PM

Jul 24 2020

badosu accepted D2879: [gameplay] tweak war dogs..

Did you test how well it performs attacking some women guarded by 2 skirms, 2 spearmen? I think this would be a good metric on how we mitigated the early harass.

Jul 24 2020, 3:48 AM

Jul 15 2020

badosu awarded D2494: [gameplay] overhaul artillery attacks a Haypence token.
Jul 15 2020, 5:39 PM
badosu added a comment to D2507: [gameplay] allow building palisades in neutral territory.

Just for reference, I'm not opposed to the idea of allowing palisades on neutral territory.

Jul 15 2020, 5:37 PM
badosu added a comment to D2507: [gameplay] allow building palisades in neutral territory.

I actually like the idea, I just think health decay makes more sense from a gameplay and realism perspective, a wall that is gaia'd still performs the intended purpose in most cases, e.g. as a shield for aggressive catapults.

Jul 15 2020, 5:27 AM
badosu added a comment to D2493: [gameplay] make siege engines uncapturable.

Yes, but the armour of rams (and siege towers) is not changed, only that of artillery, per your earlier remarks:

Jul 15 2020, 5:12 AM

Jul 14 2020

badosu added a comment to D2496: tweak soldier footprints.

I'd guess it improves balance, since it brings the footprint size of citizen cavalry closer to that of their champion counterparts, and yes, cavalry still has a footprint about three times as large as infantry, so qualitatively the status quo is maintained. Please try it yourself.

Jul 14 2020, 6:53 PM
badosu added a comment to D2867: [gameplay] tweak upgrade_mace_silvershields tech..

I can't opine on this, never used Macedonians much. Given there are no planned buffs for them as far as I can see, and they still look like an underpowered civilization, I have no objections.

Jul 14 2020, 6:46 PM
badosu added a comment to D2507: [gameplay] allow building palisades in neutral territory.

Athenas can build walls in neutral territory. It doesn't look so bad.

Jul 14 2020, 6:44 PM
badosu added a comment to D2493: [gameplay] make siege engines uncapturable.

(Rams already are uncapturable, this patch does not change anything for those.)

Jul 14 2020, 6:36 PM
badosu added a comment to D2493: [gameplay] make siege engines uncapturable.

It seems to me we're hitting a different issue here, which is that garrisoning is too powerful, but that's a different topic.

Jul 14 2020, 6:28 PM
badosu added a comment to D2507: [gameplay] allow building palisades in neutral territory.

It seems there is a consensus that this can be tried, at least, so I'll commit it soon-ish.

Jul 14 2020, 2:04 PM
badosu added a comment to D2493: [gameplay] make siege engines uncapturable.

now that all civilisations get some kind of counter

Jul 14 2020, 1:33 PM
badosu accepted D2872: [gameplay] introduce mace infantry swordsman champion.

Much appreciated!

Jul 14 2020, 3:10 AM
badosu added a comment to D2496: tweak soldier footprints.

Making gameplay balance considerations suddenly a requirement assigns undue importance to the current values, which are rather arbitrary.

Jul 14 2020, 3:07 AM

Jul 12 2020

badosu added a comment to D2846: [gameplay] tweak spartans_agoge tech..
Jul 12 2020, 8:11 PM
badosu added a comment to D2872: [gameplay] introduce mace infantry swordsman champion.

Just a nitpick, athenian marines are never used as anti-siege, sword cavalry is used often instead. Also, not all maps have water, most played don't.

Jul 12 2020, 8:07 PM
badosu awarded D2872: [gameplay] introduce mace infantry swordsman champion a Orange Medal token.
Jul 12 2020, 8:04 PM

Jul 10 2020

badosu added a comment to D2863: [gameplay] deprecate stoas and stoa champions.

Introduced a mace champion swordsman, using the black cloak actor, trainable at fortress and (with technology) barracks. This gives mace a much needed counter vs rams (athen has marines and spart skiritai).

Jul 10 2020, 11:48 AM

Jul 3 2020

badosu added a comment to D2846: [gameplay] tweak spartans_agoge tech..

I'm not too sure about this change, seems too specific to be actually useful. Sparta already has issues with its population limit and special techs like this alleviated the problem a bit, even though not often used.

Jul 3 2020, 1:15 PM
badosu accepted D2816: [gameplay] tweak champions costs.
Jul 3 2020, 1:09 PM · Restricted Project
badosu accepted D2835: [gameplay] Increase cost of "upgrade mercenaries rank" tech..

I like it costing only metal, makes a lot more sense. I'm not too sure about the total cost, it might get tricky (especially as ptolemy) to play without extra mines. That said, it's overcompensated by spam and military colonies for map control, so I think this is a positive change overall.

Jul 3 2020, 1:01 PM
badosu accepted D2792: [gameplay] Balance Advanced and Elite Tech..
Jul 3 2020, 12:58 PM · Restricted Project

Jul 2 2020

badosu added a comment to D2845: [gameplay] remove phase garrison capture recovery increases.

Different players have different play styles. Not everyone is interested in competitive multiplayer. Many people are perfectly happy with single-player vs the Petra AI.
The point is that these phase stat increases strongly favour a particular play style, punishing players wanting to explore different strategies.

Jul 2 2020, 8:42 AM
badosu added a comment to D2668: [gameplay] deprecate rotary mill, introduce special gaul farming technology.

Actually the technology requires the town phase (as is the case for the rotary mill).

Jul 2 2020, 8:27 AM
badosu added a comment to D2682: [gameplay] unify hero health.

I think this will increase imbalance between heroes instead of putting them on the same level, unless other factors are considered in the same patch like bonuses, combat prowess, etc...

Jul 2 2020, 8:26 AM

Jun 19 2020

badosu accepted D2792: [gameplay] Balance Advanced and Elite Tech..

Looks good to me!

Jun 19 2020, 3:35 AM · Restricted Project
badosu added a comment to D2821: [gameplay] tweak military structure costs.

I agree with keeping a relevant stone cost for other civilizations, it really helps since you can use the initial resources you wouldn't be able to use otherwise.

Jun 19 2020, 3:34 AM

Jun 18 2020

badosu awarded D2686: [gameplay] tweak pyramids and wonder costs and auras a Yellow Medal token.
Jun 18 2020, 7:35 AM

Jun 17 2020

badosu added a comment to D2686: [gameplay] tweak pyramids and wonder costs and auras.

Or a local aura that gives units or structures an additional armour level, making them harder to destroy?
Or a local aura that reduces the armour of enemy units by one level, making them easier to kill?

Jun 17 2020, 5:26 AM

Jun 16 2020

badosu added a comment to D2686: [gameplay] tweak pyramids and wonder costs and auras.

How about a local aura that makes structures harder to capture?

Jun 16 2020, 1:54 AM
badosu added inline comments to D2792: [gameplay] Balance Advanced and Elite Tech..
Jun 16 2020, 1:49 AM · Restricted Project

Jun 14 2020

badosu added a comment to D2686: [gameplay] tweak pyramids and wonder costs and auras.

Sounds like a good idea. I'm hesitating between 10% or 15%, other opinions welcomed.

Jun 14 2020, 3:14 PM
badosu added a comment to D2816: [gameplay] tweak champions costs.

IIRC, @ValihrAnt disliked the idea of keeping a high metal cost due to map imbalances.

Jun 14 2020, 10:51 AM · Restricted Project
badosu added a comment to D2814: Allow remapping hotkeys from inside the game / fix QWERTY hotkeys.

Not sure if related to the scope of this change, but it would also be good to be able to bind keys that (I, currently) are not able to, for example Tab and CapsLock. What's strange is that I looked at the codebase and there are constants for handling these keys but they can't be used for hotkeys.

Jun 14 2020, 1:58 AM
badosu added a comment to D2648: [gameplay] make Caratacos and Maximus auras local.

I agree that Caratacos (or even Maximus FWIW) bonus is not really a big of a deal.

Jun 14 2020, 1:18 AM

Jun 13 2020

badosu added a comment to D2816: [gameplay] tweak champions costs.

There's not much to say on my end before playtesting it, contact me whenever you want to do that.

Jun 13 2020, 11:14 PM · Restricted Project
badosu added a comment to D2686: [gameplay] tweak pyramids and wonder costs and auras.

> Anyway, I can undo that change, if you think that's better, or halve the metal cost as compensation.

Jun 13 2020, 6:17 PM
badosu added a comment to D2507: [gameplay] allow building palisades in neutral territory.

Actually it is: we know from ancient authors it was quite common for armies to erect palisades around their camps in enemy territory.

Jun 13 2020, 5:09 PM
badosu added a comment to D2493: [gameplay] make siege engines uncapturable.

In general, I agree with this change.

Jun 13 2020, 4:57 PM
badosu added a comment to D2686: [gameplay] tweak pyramids and wonder costs and auras.

How about keeping the stone at 300, but reducing the wood cost to 200 or 150?

Jun 13 2020, 4:44 PM
badosu added a comment to D2686: [gameplay] tweak pyramids and wonder costs and auras.

About the pyramid cost change, I'd like to see it reduced a bit, currently kushites are deemed the most underpowered civilization by the majority of players.

Jun 13 2020, 4:39 PM
badosu added a comment to D2668: [gameplay] deprecate rotary mill, introduce special gaul farming technology.

I like that it has a considerable cost, in both wood and metal, also that it may help transition from a fanatic rush to farms, since you are gathering mostly wood and metal at that stage.

Jun 13 2020, 4:31 PM
badosu added a comment to D2534: [gameplay] allow building Blemmye camp and Nuba village in neutral territory.

I agree with this change

Jun 13 2020, 4:24 PM

Jun 12 2020

D497: [gameplay] Allow hunting aggressive and violent wild animals now requires review to proceed.

Well, some animals would make sense to be hunted, e.g. bears. Most do not make sense though, and I think the experience loot is a minimal incentive that although not sufficient for the irritation on having to kill those at least works and makes more sense.

Jun 12 2020, 8:01 PM
badosu added a comment to D2801: [gameplay] enable stable for all civilizations.

Since wood cost has been reduced for wood barracks civilizations maybe we could make it 100w 150s for the stone barracks civs? Otherwise I think we're nerfing the stone barracks civilizations, except for those that can make slingers in p1, since you won't feasibly use those resources in p1.

Jun 12 2020, 7:57 PM

Jun 11 2020

badosu added a comment to D1365: [gameplay] Lower the repeat rate of spear cavalry.

I also like the spear cav atk speed increase, currently javelin cavalry can outmicro spear cav without a significant advantage in numbers (which many expect to favor the spear cavalry).

Jun 11 2020, 7:57 AM

Jun 7 2020

nani awarded D2710: DiskPlacer: avoid scanning whole map a The World Burns token.
Jun 7 2020, 6:14 AM

May 9 2020

badosu added inline comments to D2727: IGUIObject ScriptEvent return value.
May 9 2020, 8:06 PM

May 8 2020

badosu added a comment to D1639: Rmgen new type constraint DensityConstraint.

For smoothly changing tree density dependent on distance to area and/or height I suggest to use a painter rather than a constraint ;)

May 8 2020, 5:02 PM
badosu added a comment to D1639: Rmgen new type constraint DensityConstraint.

This constraint is not deterministic since the random number is rolled in .allows.
That means if you use this to paint trees on an area and do this over and over again you will get increasing densities though that was nowhere specified by the user.

May 8 2020, 3:37 PM

May 3 2020

badosu added a comment to D2720: update information in {civ}.json files.

Well, the question is, do we have intention to have these implemented? If yes then I'm fine with this change, otherwise we should remove all the unimplemented stuff we have in-game right now.

May 3 2020, 1:54 PM
badosu added a comment to D2710: DiskPlacer: avoid scanning whole map.

@elexis @Stan Any additional feedback?

May 3 2020, 12:17 AM
badosu added a comment to D1751: [WIP] Map flares.

We could. current plan was to add a keybinding so you can click anywhere on the minimap or map to do the ping.

May 3 2020, 12:14 AM

May 2 2020

badosu added a comment to D1751: [WIP] Map flares.

This is great! Can we add a keybinding to ping on the center of the current camera view?

May 2 2020, 12:01 AM

May 1 2020

badosu added a comment to D2710: DiskPlacer: avoid scanning whole map.

So speaking about creating lots of vectors causing perf impact, those could also become the same temporary vector and use the set method to change the coordinates.

May 1 2020, 8:06 PM
badosu updated the diff for D2710: DiskPlacer: avoid scanning whole map.
Style fixes for tests
May 1 2020, 4:39 AM
badosu updated the diff for D2710: DiskPlacer: avoid scanning whole map.

Style fixes for tests

May 1 2020, 4:31 AM
badosu updated the diff for D2710: DiskPlacer: avoid scanning whole map.

Style fixes for tests

May 1 2020, 4:30 AM
badosu updated the summary of D2715: Fail test suite when map tests throw errors.
May 1 2020, 4:25 AM
badosu updated the test plan for D2715: Fail test suite when map tests throw errors.
May 1 2020, 4:24 AM
badosu updated the test plan for D2715: Fail test suite when map tests throw errors.
May 1 2020, 4:22 AM
badosu updated the test plan for D2715: Fail test suite when map tests throw errors.
May 1 2020, 4:22 AM
badosu updated the diff for D2715: Fail test suite when map tests throw errors.

Style fixes

May 1 2020, 4:20 AM
badosu added a comment to D2710: DiskPlacer: avoid scanning whole map.

With sent I am confident that we can catch any regression tested by the tests introduced in this change. I am confident on the state of this patch. cc @elexis

May 1 2020, 4:19 AM
badosu updated the diff for D2715: Fail test suite when map tests throw errors.

Style fixes

May 1 2020, 4:18 AM
badosu created D2715: Fail test suite when map tests throw errors.
May 1 2020, 4:16 AM
badosu added a comment to D2710: DiskPlacer: avoid scanning whole map.

Is that correct? The map has |mapSize| tiles which makes |mapSize+1| vertices on the heightgrid.
The values returned by a Placer should be locations of tiles I think and then if a Painter like the HeightPainters operate on vertices of tiles, its their responsibility to work on all four vertices of the given tile.
So actually seems correct then to go from 0 to N-1 making up for N tiles.

May 1 2020, 12:18 AM

Apr 30 2020

badosu added a comment to D880: Ballistics..

One thing to notice though, is that as the game currently stands, units can perfectly estimate the position of their target, i.e. perfect "ballistics".

Apr 30 2020, 11:33 AM
badosu added a comment to D880: Ballistics..

One thing to notice though, is that as the game currently stands, units can perfectly estimate the position of their target, i.e. perfect "ballistics". This patch introduces an option to change that behaviour from the templates.

Apr 30 2020, 11:15 AM

Apr 29 2020

badosu added a comment to D880: Ballistics..

I like the idea of ballistics inclusion, one issue I find often is that chasing units with ranged units (e.g. skirm cav against archer cav) is very inefficient while it shouldn't in terms of gameplay.

Apr 29 2020, 11:44 PM
badosu added a comment to D2710: DiskPlacer: avoid scanning whole map.

Well I guess best way to test there are no errors is to add unit tests for those cases and fix the code :)

Apr 29 2020, 9:16 AM
badosu updated the test plan for D2710: DiskPlacer: avoid scanning whole map.
Apr 29 2020, 6:29 AM
badosu added a comment to D2710: DiskPlacer: avoid scanning whole map.

One important remark, I noticed the build does not fail if there was a javascript error (as it happens when there's an invalid cache access on Area). Is there a way I can assert there were no javascript errors?

Apr 29 2020, 6:25 AM
badosu updated the diff for D2710: DiskPlacer: avoid scanning whole map.

Remove redundant initializer

Apr 29 2020, 6:24 AM
badosu added inline comments to D2710: DiskPlacer: avoid scanning whole map.
Apr 29 2020, 6:23 AM
badosu added inline comments to D2710: DiskPlacer: avoid scanning whole map.
Apr 29 2020, 5:24 AM
badosu updated the diff for D2710: DiskPlacer: avoid scanning whole map.

Properly handle map edge

Apr 29 2020, 5:22 AM
badosu added a comment to D2710: DiskPlacer: avoid scanning whole map.

I performed some tests on gear normal for 8 players, times are in seconds and retrieved from the map logger:

Apr 29 2020, 3:55 AM
badosu updated the diff for D2710: DiskPlacer: avoid scanning whole map.

Handle floating radius properly for DiskPlacer

Apr 29 2020, 3:36 AM
badosu added a comment to D2710: DiskPlacer: avoid scanning whole map.

Ok, I performed the style fixes, I'll make some profiling and testing and we should be good to land.

Apr 29 2020, 2:58 AM
badosu updated the diff for D2710: DiskPlacer: avoid scanning whole map.

Style fixes

Apr 29 2020, 2:57 AM
badosu added inline comments to D2710: DiskPlacer: avoid scanning whole map.
Apr 29 2020, 2:55 AM